Fieldswell Services

Something for everyone, no matter where you are on your journey!

1-1 Coaching with Lauren

Work 1-1 with Lauren in a sacred space that blends therapeutic techniques, wellness habits, and personal development practices to empower YOU to take action on your life.


Join Lauren’s next workshop, designed to help you break through present roadblocks and limitations to become the woman you are meant to be. Topics include career, relationships, self-love, and more.

Speaking Engagements

Book Lauren to speak at your next event.

Self Guided Course

Prefer to work at your own pace? Join Lauren’s self-guided program, “Activate Your Sparkle: How to Become the One.”

What people are saying…

  • "Having a session with Lauren is a life-changing experience. She helps me go deep on what I really, really, want in life by asking bold questions. She then turns my dreams into projects so I can engage in the process of creating them."


  • "Lauren’s belief in me has made a big impact on my life. She has helped shift my mindset from scarcity to abundance. By changing my focus, we have changed my world."


  • "This is so much more than a coaching session. You are committing to personal transformation and goal achievement when working with Lauren. She will help you design your life and give you the strength to execute on your vision."


  • "I am so thankful for everything Lauren has taught me and for showing me true light. She is an inspiration to everyone she meets."


  • "I left my first life coaching session with Lauren Fields feeling refreshed and energized by her infectious passion for life and her uplifting spirit. Run, don’t walk, to this coach who will help you discover a higher sense of purpose and meaning to your everyday life."


  • "Truly an amazing coach! I have the greatest admiration for Lauren Fields, she is beyond years in insight—aware, genuine, and compassionate. She radiates love."
