As a passionate student pursuing a Master’s in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, it should come as no surprise that I am fascinated by the study of deep relationships and LOVE, which I believe to be the cornerstones of our existence.
I recently led an engaged learning session in my group therapy class, which focused on the language of love. Initially, I planned to discuss how the book, “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman, relates to romantic relationships. However, as the discussion unfolded, it became clear that love encompasses much more than just romantic connections, namely family, friends, and self-love.
Our ability to love and connect with others often originates from our earliest experiences. How we were loved as infants and witnessed our parents demonstrating affection greatly shapes our understanding and expression of love as adults. It is a powerful realization relevant to our pursuit of meaningful relationships.
During the session, we touched upon several insightful themes that shed light on individuals’ diverse experiences and challenges regarding love. Some individuals shared their experiences of feeling deprived of love during their formative years, which now fuels their quest for validation in their current relationships. Others expressed the struggle men often face in embracing vulnerability, feeling the pressure to maintain an image of emotional strength akin to the iconic “Tin Man.” Additionally, we heard from those who grew up in an environment filled with love, and how that abundance has influenced their openness in displaying affection and love toward others.
Despite being an innate human desire, love often remains a taboo topic in our society. We all yearn for it, yet how much time do we dedicate to understanding and practicing love daily? Love should not be confined to fairy tales or romantic novels but should permeate every facet of our existence, for it is a universal force that transcends boundaries, enhancing all aspects of our lives.
Now, go tell someone you love them, and watch what happens.