Many people fall victim to their circumstances, and I want to prevent that from happening. Instead of asking: “Why did this happen to me?” Try going with “How can I best make it through this, and once I do, how can I use what I learned to help other people?”
If you feel like you’re going through something that seems to be the end of the world, I am here to tell you it’s not. No matter how convinced you may be that it’s all over, know it’s only the beginning. You have been given an opportunity to navigate an unprecedented challenge and can come out as a stronger, wiser you.
Here are some tips to get you on the way to becoming the best version of yourself:
Fully Embrace This Moment
I believe that happiness is found when we learn to seize each and every moment. Do not wait for someone or something else to bring you joy. Decide to be happy now, and don’t make happiness a condition of a future event that may never arrive. So many make the terrible mistake of thinking this way: “I will be happy when I … ” or “I will be happy once he … ” Catch yourself when such thoughts formulate in your head and refocus. Notice all the blessings you have in your life in this very moment to feel the exhilarating feeling of gratitude and joy.
Why allow yourself to suffer when you can decide to find joy instead? Anxiety is merely the failure to be present. Since we have no idea what tomorrow will bring, expect great things! Wake up today and say to yourself, “YES! I’m alive!!! What amazing things is this day going to bring?!”
Training yourself to think this way is a daily job. You must work at it, but the power is in your hands. If you struggle with this, I highly recommend a gratitude journal. In a downstate, shift your focus by writing down everything you must be thankful for. Even the tiniest things will make a huge difference, creating a massive shift in how you view your life.
Stop Worrying About THEM
We spend so much time worrying about what other people think of us. Rarely do we give this any significance, yet anguishing about how others view us can poison our days. The truth is that most people are focused primarily on themselves. They don’t sit around thinking negatively about you. And even if they do, why does it matter?
Don’t let other people’s opinions influence who you are. That will only hold you back from expressing your true identity, which you must manifest to take your life to the next level. I’ve always believed that what people say about you says more about them than it does about you. When people judge you, their judgment is nothing more than an unhealed part of themselves that they choose to express.
Learn not to take things personally. When you master this, you will have reclaimed your power. And rightly so. When you realize that what anyone thinks of you has nothing to do with you, you can no longer be affected by them.
Live in a State of Flow
If it comes, let it. If it goes, let it. Do not cling to anything or anyone. This creates an energy of desperation or lack, which sends the object in the opposite direction. Don’t waste your time chasing love, success, or money. Instead, focus on becoming the best version of yourself, and soon you will find those things will chase you.
If you want love, be loving. If you want inspiration, be a light. If you want success, put in the work. Life is a mirror reflecting your inner world. Authentically align with your true self and dance with the rhythm of life. Focus on what you want and believe that it is already yours.
Take Care of Yourself
Think of your body as a piggy bank – everything you put in counts. If something doesn’t feel right, change what you’re putting into the equation, and you will have a different outcome. They all count, whether food, podcasts, books, work, fitness, thoughts, music, words, sleep, care, love, or dreams.
Fill yourself with the good stuff and watch your life flourish. When you feel good in your skin, you radiate beauty from the inside out. Remember that “like attracts like.” Tune into a high-vibration frequency by giving out positive, loving emotions. You will find that emitting self-confidence and self-love will make you magnetic, allowing you to attract more of what you desire into your life.
Define Your Goals
Have you taken the time to get clear on your goals? If not, today is the perfect day to do that. If yes, congratulations, as defining your goals is the first step towards achieving them. Are you doing everything you can to accomplish them? Do you have a list of what you want to achieve in the next year, 5 years, or even 10 years? Do you read this list every day when you wake up and before you sleep at night? Can you visualize your goals becoming a reality? I can.
Why is it important to write down your goals? Because you can unleash the power of your mind by looking at your goals in your own handwriting. You become 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down regularly. To put it simply, goals help us become better versions of ourselves.
In Conclusion
Realize that everything is infinite. We are the universe experiencing itself in human form. Every single one of our body’s over 37 TRILLION cells work tirelessly to keep us alive! Our job is to nurture ourselves and feed those babies so we can become our best selves. You got this. Deep down, you know you have what it takes. We’re all fully equipped. It’s just a matter of actualizing our full potential.
No one is going to do it for you. What’s holding you back?